Author Guidelines
O Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras publica artigos de Pesquisa, Notas Curtas e Artigos de Revisão.
Notas Curtas abordam assuntos que são simples ou de interesse especializado, incluindo técnicas instrumentais. Eles podem apresentar resultados negativos, descobertas incomuns ou medições concisas em contextos específicos. O formato é semelhante ao de artigos completos. Os manuscritos não devem ter mais de dez páginas, incluindo referências e diagramas.
Serão aceitos artigos em português ou inglês.
Formato de arquivo
Solicitamos que arquivos editáveis sejam fornecidos durante todo o processo de submissão. As recomendações são as seguintes:
- Para textos, salve em um formato editável usando as extensões .doc/.docx.
- Para tabelas e gráficos (quando usados como imagens), use o formato .xls/.xlsx.
- Para figuras, recomendamos os seguintes formatos: .tif/.tiff para meios-tons e bitmaps; .jpg/.jpeg para imagens em meio-tom; EPS ou PDF para imagens vetoriais; e .ppt/.pptx para imagens anotadas.
Figuras e tabelas são as formas mais efetivas de apresentar resultados. Portanto, recomendamos atenção especial à sua qualidade gráfica e solicitamos que também sejam enviadas como arquivos separados do manuscrito.
Para facilitar o processo de revisão por pares, pedimos que as figuras e tabelas, juntamente com suas respectivas legendas, sejam posicionadas no arquivo do manuscrito nos locais apropriados.
Página de título
Os autores devem incluir os seguintes detalhes na página de título:
- Título do artigo: Os títulos devem ser concisos e informativos, evitando abreviações e fórmulas, a menos que sejam bem estabelecidas e amplamente compreendidas. Para artigos publicados em português, o título também deve ser fornecido em inglês.
- Nomes dos autores: Forneça os nomes próprios e sobrenomes de cada autor, garantindo que a ordem corresponda ao sistema de submissão. Verifique se todos os nomes estão escritos corretamente.
- Afiliações: Liste os endereços de afiliação abaixo dos nomes dos autores, indicando onde o trabalho foi conduzido (Instituição, cidade e país). Use uma letra minúscula sobrescrita imediatamente após o nome do autor e antes do endereço correspondente.
- Present/Permanent Address: If an author has moved since the work was conducted or was visiting during that time, indicate a "present address" (or "permanent address") with a footnote to the author's name. Retain the main affiliation address where the work was carried out, using superscript Arabic numerals for such footnotes.
- Corresponding Author: Identify the corresponding author responsible for handling all correspondence during the refereeing, publication, and post-publication processes. This includes addressing any future queries about the results, data, methodology, and materials.
Abstracts should be concise, without paragraph breaks or references, and under 300 words. Your abstract needs to clearly and succinctly include the following elements:
- Aims, key questions, or hypotheses.
- The significance of the questions posed.
- A brief overview of the methods and analyses used, main results, and key interpretations or inferences.
- An explanation of the importance of the findings.
- A clear statement highlighting the novelty or significance of the work.
For articles being published in Portuguese, the abstract must also be provided in English.
You need to provide 3 to 5 keywords for indexing. For articles in Portuguese, also include the English translations. Avoid using multi-word phrases and abbreviations in the keywords. The journal recommends that authors use terms organized by thematic areas to select standardized keywords on platforms such as: Thesaurus UNESCO and ERIC Thesaurus
Article sections
Organize your article into clearly defined and numbered sections.
Subsections should be numbered as 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and so on, followed by 1.2, etc. Use this numbering format for cross-referencing within your article, rather than referring to 'the text.' Subsections may have brief headings, which should appear on separate lines.
Do not include the article abstract in the section numbering.
The introduction must explicitly outline the objectives of your work. It is advisable to provide sufficient background information to contextualize your work, while refraining from including an exhaustive literature review or a detailed summary of your results.
Material and methods
The materials and methods section must provide enough detail to enable replication by an independent researcher. If a method is previously published, summarize and reference it. Use quotation marks and cite the source for direct quotes. Describe any modifications to existing methods.
Authors who use AI tools in analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the how the AI tool was used, and which tool was used.
The results section should clearly and concisely present the study's findings, highlighting the most significant results that address the research questions or hypotheses. Include all relevant data, often with tables, figures, and graphs for effective illustration. Describe the outcomes without interpretation or bias. This section forms the basis for the subsequent discussion on the implications and significance of the results.
The discussion should explore into the significance of your results without reiterating them. If suitable, you may merge the results and discussion into a single section. It is advisable to minimize extensive citations and discussions of published literature in this section.
The conclusion section should succinctly summarize the main findings of the study, emphasizing their significance and implications. This section should also highlight the study's contributions to the field, acknowledge any limitations, and suggest directions for future research
The conclusion should provide a clear and concise closure to the article, leaving the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the study's outcomes and their broader impact.
In the acknowledgements section, recognize those who assisted you with your research, such as with language, writing, or proofreading. This section should be distinct and separate. Refrain from placing acknowledgements on the title page, as a footnote to the title, or elsewhere in your article other than the designated acknowledgements section.
Author contributions: CRediT
Corresponding authors must acknowledge co-author contributions using CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) roles, which include: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, and Writing – review and editing. Not all CRediT roles will apply to every manuscript, and some authors may contribute through multiple roles.
Funding sources
Authors must disclose any funding sources that provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article. It is not necessary to include detailed descriptions of the programs or types of grants, scholarships, and awards.
If no funding has been provided for the research, it is recommended to include the following sentence: 'This research did not receive any specific funding from public, commercial, or not-for-profit agencies
Declaration of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process
The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies must be declared when the paper is first submitted. The statement will appear in the published work and should be placed in a new section before the references list. An example of statement:
During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the published article.
Identify individual appendices within your article using the format: A, B, etc.
Assign separate numbering to formulae and equations within appendices using formats such as Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc., and in subsequent appendices, Eq. (B.1), Eq. (B.2), etc. Similarly, assign separate numbering to tables and figures using formats such as Table A.1 and Fig. A.1, etc.
Bibliographics References
BGP adopts the bibliographic reference model of Geological Society of America (GSA).
All references cited in the text of the article must be listed in the References section, presenting the essential elements that are indispensable for identifying the document, such as author names, book or book chapter titles, article or journal titles, location, publisher, and year of publication. In addition to the essential elements, references may include complementary elements, such as page numbers, article pagination, and the name and location of the event for conference papers.
Before submitting your article, ensure that the references comply with the recommended standard below, including any references that have been copied. The accuracy and adequacy of references to works that have been consulted and mentioned in the text are the responsibility of the author and are reviewed by the Editorial Team.
We encourage the use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) as reference links, as they provide a permanent link to the referenced electronic article. The format of such citations should follow the standard adopted for bibliographic references.
Guidelines for using citations in the text of the article:
All citations in the text should refer to:
ONE or TWO authors: include author(s) last names and year of publication if available. With one author, use last name and year. With two authors, use 'and' between authors' last names.
Arai (2022) has discovered that ...
João and Pedro (2019) have suggested that ...
It has been confirmed that ,,, (Smith and Peters 2019; Lee, 2020; Stevens, 2021).
- THREE to FIVE authors: include author(s) last names and year of publication if available. With three to five authors, use the last name of the authors first time its cited, and then if you want to cite the document again, just use the first author followed by et al. (stands for 'and others')
Experimental evidence suggests that ... (Smith, Lee, and Jones, 1999).
Many researchers in academia are interested... (Smith et al., 1999).
- SIX or MORE authors: with six authors or more author, always use the name of the first author followed by et al.
A spectroscopic study confirmed...(Wilson et al., 2008).
Guidelines for preparing the references:
BGP adopts the bibliographic reference model of Geological Society of America (GSA).
- The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order by authors’ last names.
- For references with more than 10 authors, shorten the author list to the first author's name plus “et al.”
- The journal titles are not italicized or underlined.
- Second and all subsequent lines are always indented.
- If you know a paper’s DOI number (DOI is a Digital Object Identifier) for a document, include it.
- For website citations, include the month and year the site was accessed in parentheses at the end of the reference.
- References mentioned in the text, figures, captions, tables, and appendixes must be listed in the References Cited section.
- Do not cite papers that are unpublished, in preparation, submitted, in review, or in revision.
Examples of references:
1) Monograph in its entirety: books, manuals, guides, catalogs, encyclopedias, and academic works (theses, dissertations, final course papers):
Knoll, A.H., 2023, Uma breve história da terra: 4 bilhões de anos em oito capítulos: Rio de Janeiro: Alta Books.
Grotzinger, J. e Hordan, T.H., 2023, Para entender a terra.: 8ª Ed.: Bookman: São Paulo.
Carneiro, A., 2018, A Geologia para crianças. [Tese Doutorado em Educação]: Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.
SÃO PAULO, Prefeitura Municipal de. Secretaria de Cultura, 2017, Dados sobre os aspectos culturais de São Paulo: São Paulo.
2) Monograph in its entirety in electronic format:
Newton, D.E., 2003, Chemistry of the environment. Facts and File: New York: Ebook.,sso&db=nlebk&AN=229595&lang=pt-br&site=eds-ive&authtype=ip,sso&custid=s7173344&groupid=main&profile. (Acessado setembro 2024).
3) Monograph chapter:
Grotzinger, J. e Hordan, T.H., 2023, Minerais: constituintes básicos das rochas, in Grotzinger, J. e Hordan, T.H., 2023: Para entender a terra: 8ª Ed. Bookman: São Paulo, p. 77-100.
4) Journal article:
Empinotti , L.C., Zalán, P. V. e Heilbron , M., 2015, Arcabouço crustal profundo da parte centro-norte da margem de Angola: Rio de Janeiro: Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, v. 23, n. 1-2.
5) Journal article in electronic format:
Empinotti , L.C., ZALÁN, P. V. e Heilbron , M., 2015. Arcabouço crustal profundo da parte centro-norte da margem de Angola: Rio de Janeiro: Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, v. 23, n. 1- 2. /article/view/12. (Acessado setembro 2024).
6) Conference papers:
Carvalho, C.R.S., 1981, Conferência: evaporitos na Bacia amazônica, in Semana de Estudos, 16: Ouro Preto, Sociedade de Intercâmbio Cultural e Estudos Geológico, p. 156-172.
For additional details, please refer to IUGS: Nomenclature for geological time scales and rock names.
Math formulae
- Type math equations as text instead of using images.
- Include simple formulas within the regular text when it is possible.
- For small fractional terms, use the solidus (/) rather than a horizontal line, for example, X/Y. Use italics to represent variables.
- Represent powers of e with exp.
- Separate equations from the main text and number them consecutively in the order they appear.
- Ensure a comprehensive nomenclature that defines all symbols and terms is included in the text.
Tables need to be provided in an editable format rather than as images and should be numbered sequentially based on their order in the text. Cite all tables within the manuscript and position them either next to the relevant text or on separate pages at the end of your article. Include captions with the tables and place any notes below the table body. Vertical lines and shading within table cells should be avoided.
Figures, images, artwork, diagrams and other graphical media must be supplied as separate files along with the manuscript. Also, to facilitate the peer review process, we ask that figures and tables, along with their respective captions, be positioned in the manuscript file at the appropriate locations.
When submitting figures:
- Cite all images in the manuscript text.
- Number images according to the sequence they appear within your article.
- Submit each image as a separate file using a logical naming convention for your files (for example, Figure_1, Figure_2 etc).
- Please provide captions along with the figures.
Convert your digital artwork to the specified formats, adhering to the resolution requirements outlined below:
- Vector drawings: Save as EPS or PDF files, embedding the font or converting the text to "graphics."
- Color or grayscale photographs (halftones): Save as TIFF, JPG, or PNG files with a minimum of 300 dpi (for single column: at least 1063 pixels, full page width: 2244 pixels).
- Bitmapped line drawings: Save as TIFF, JPG, or PNG files with a minimum of 1000 dpi (for single column: at least 3543 pixels, full page width: 7480 pixels).
- Combinations of bitmapped line/halftones (color or grayscale): Save as TIFF, JPG, or PNG files with a minimum of 500 dpi (for single column: at least 1772 pixels, full page width: 3740 pixels).
Do not submit files that are too low in resolution (for example, files optimized for screen use such as GIF, BMP, PICT or WPG files).
Every image requires a caption. This caption should include a concise title (not shown on the figure itself) and an explanation of the image. We recommend you keep the amount of text in any image to a minimum and ensure that any symbols and abbreviations are clearly defined.
Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras is online only, meaning all papers can be reproduced with color as supplied free of charge.
We recommend that color images are accessible to all, including those with impaired color vision. Learn more about color and web accessibility.
Generative AI and Figures
We prohibit the use of Generative AI or AI-assisted tools to create or modify images in submitted manuscripts. This includes enhancing, obscuring, moving, removing, or introducing specific features within an image or figure. Adjustments to brightness, contrast, or color balance are allowed, provided they do not obscure or remove any information from the original.
Supplementary material
We encourage the use of supplementary materials to enhance research. These files, in any format, may include research instruments, data sets compliant with research ethics review, otherwise unavailable sources, figures and tables that cannot be integrated into the text, or other materials that add to the work's contribution. Cite all supplementary files in the manuscript text and include a concise, descriptive caption for each.
All supplementary materials will appear online in the exact file type received and will not be formatted or typeset by the production team. Do not annotate or correct a previous version of a supplementary file; provide updated files if changes are needed at any stage of the publication process.
Research data
You are encouraged to deposit your research data in a suitable specialist or generalist repository. Cite this dataset in your article. Research data includes the results of observations or experiments that validate research findings, as well as software, code, models, algorithms, protocols, methods, and other useful materials related to the project.
Submission checklist
- Ensure that one author has been designated as the corresponding author, and their complete contact details have been provided.
- Verify that all files have been uploaded.
- Conduct thorough spelling and grammar checks.
- Confirm that all references in the article text are cited in the reference list and vice versa.
- Obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted material from other sources, including the Web.
- Ensure that you are filling in the correct language field.
- Keep the title and abstract exactly the same in the submitted and revised text file and in the OJS metadata.
- Avoid unnecessary capital letters in titles and abstracts. Use consistent capitalization conventions.
For Petrobras authors:
- Upload proof of authorization for data publication, ensuring compliance with legal requirements for the external use of geological and geophysical data, in accordance with current Company Policies
- Upload proof of authorization for data publication in cases of external disclosure of project results conducted through Cooperation Terms and Agreements between Petrobras and scientific and technological institutions (ICT) or companies, following Petrobras' internal guidelines.
Submit online
Nosso sistema de submissão on-line orienta você nas etapas de inserção de detalhes do manuscrito e upload de arquivos. O sistema converte os arquivos em um único PDF para revisão por pares. Arquivos editáveis são necessários para a formatação final. Toda a correspondência, incluindo a decisão do editor e solicitações de revisão, será enviada por e-mail.
Siga este link para enviar seu artigo .
Correção de prova
Para garantir um processo de publicação rápido, pedimos que você forneça correções de prova em até cinco dias. Os autores correspondentes receberão um e-mail com instruções.
O propósito da prova é verificar a formatação, edição, completude e correção do texto, tabelas e figuras do seu artigo. Alterações significativas no seu artigo na fase de prova só serão consideradas com a aprovação do editor do periódico.
Declaração de privacidade
Os nomes e endereços fornecidos neste periódico serão utilizados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação e não serão disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros, de acordo com a LGPD – Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados.
Aviso de direitos autorais
Os artigos publicados permanecem como propriedade dos autores. Enviar o artigo e concordar em publicá-lo não implica a transferência dos direitos de publicação para a BGP. No entanto, o(s) autor(es) cede(m) o direito de primeira publicação para a BGP e, se o artigo for enviado ou publicado em outro periódico, a referência deve ser feita.
O BGP adota o padrão de licenciamento Creative Commons, e todos os artigos são publicados sob a licença CC BY. Esta licença permite que outros usem o conteúdo do artigo, distribuindo, adaptando e criando a partir do texto original, mesmo para fins comerciais, se o devido crédito for dado aos autores. Para saber mais, visite o site
Suporte ao autor
Entre em contato com a equipe editorial da revista pelo e-mail:
Submission Preparation Checklist
- Ensure that one author has been designated as the corresponding author, and their complete contact details have been provided.
- Verify that all files have been uploaded.
- Conduct thorough spelling and grammar checks.
- Confirm that all references in the article text are cited in the reference list and vice versa.
- Obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted material from other sources, including the Web.
- Ensure that you are filling in the correct language field.
- Keep the title and abstract exactly the same in the submitted and revised text file and in the OJS metadata.
- Avoid unnecessary capital letters in titles and abstracts. Use consistent capitalization conventions.
For Petrobras authors:
- Upload proof of authorization for data publication, ensuring compliance with legal requirements for the external use of geological and geophysical data, in accordance with current Company Policies
- Upload proof of authorization for data publication in cases of external disclosure of project results conducted through Cooperation Terms and Agreements between Petrobras and scientific and technological institutions (ICT) or companies, following Petrobras' internal guidelines.
Copyright Notice
Published articles remain the property of the authors. Submitting the article and agreeing to publish it does not imply the transfer of publication rights to BGP. However, the author(s) assign the right of first publication to BGP and if the article is submitted or published in another journal, reference must be made.
BGP adopts the Creative Commons licensing standard, and all articles are published under the CC BY license. This license allows others to use the content of the article, distributing, adapting and creating from the original text, even for commercial purposes, if due credit is given to the authors. To find out more, visit the website
Privacy Statement
The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties, in accordance with the LGPD – Brazilian General Data Protection Law.