Stratigraphic evolution, structural framework and remaining potential of Talara Basin production units (NW Peru) in Block X area


  • José Alfredo Borges Daudt Petrobras America Inc
  • Eloy Gerardo Pozo Petrobras Energia Peru
  • Kevin Michael Torres Petrobras Energia Peru
  • Juan Leyva Ore


Talara Basin, sequence stratigraphy, stratigraphic model, depositional model


This article presents the stratigraphic evolution of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary section in the Talara Basin (NW Peru) in the Block X area. Furthermore it comments on the structural framework and the remaining hydrocarbon potential in this concession. A brief review of the Talara Basin history is in-troduced, highlighting the importance of this basin for the Latin-American Oil Industry.
Talara is a forearc basin with complex stratigraphic and structural development. The Block X area is located in a proximal position within the basin where erosive and by-pass events were frequent during the whole basin evolution. A thick load of sediments, favored by a significant subsidence, was deposited in this area, especially during Ypresian and Lutetian. Extensional tectonics, represented by normal faults, compartmentalized the reservoirs in Block X, based on the interpretation considered until now. However, the hypothesis of transcurrent movements was also brought into the discussion by some authors, although this had very little surface and subsurface evidence to support it.
The presented stratigraphic model is based on observations and interpretations of well logs and outcrops, considering the sequence stratigraphic paradigms. The interpreted sequences hierarchical framework was approached in a more “neutral” way to avoid rigid time scales commonly adopted by the industry. Thus, the model is made of low frequency sequences with boundaries defined by the most important paleo-ambiental shifts, and high frequency sequences where boundaries were defined consider-ing more subtle variations.
Regarding the remaining potential, the Block X area is still forecasting a good exploration and exploitation potential, even considering more than 100 years of productive history. Several secondary recovery projects and shorter-acreage drilling programs have been implemented since 2003, with excellent results.






How to Cite

DAUDT, José Alfredo Borges; POZO, Eloy Gerardo; TORRES, Kevin Michael; ORE, Juan Leyva. Stratigraphic evolution, structural framework and remaining potential of Talara Basin production units (NW Peru) in Block X area . Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, n. 1, p. 69–95, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.