The search for petroleum; the role of Petrobras and the teaching of Geology in Brazil
The challenge of finding and producing petroleum in Brazil within the political scenarios of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century have the formation of Petrobras in 1953 as the institutional climax. The technical demands then arose to operate this complex, diversified and strategic industrial sector, and created the necessary conditions for the expansion and diversification of a specialized workforce in the country. Perhaps one of the most emblematic examples of this process in Brazil is that of Geology, which was only consolidated with formally established science in university courses in 1957, notably due to the necessities of Petrobras in having available Brazilians capable of handling the new challenges that the exploration of oil would demand. Certainly, it would be heresy to confirm that there was no specialized technical formation in geosciences, or Brazilian “geologists” until then. The course of Mine Engineering in the School of Mines from Ouro Preto, the first in the country having specific disciplines was founded in 1876. Memorable are the contributions from illustrious Brazilians deriving from this distinguished academic center, or those self-taught in Geology. However, the fact is that with the industrialization begun by Getúlio Vargas and boosted in the 1950s with the creation of Petrobras, the graduation of geologists became a question of state. As a consequence, space was opened up for the participation of these professionals in the strategic decisions of the country. After all, there is no oil company without reserves or without areas to prospect. To prospect oil demands training, experience and creativity, values that “make part of the DNA” of Petrobras and sustain its corporate success, which has culminated in the recent discovery of large volumes of oil in the Pre-Salt Province. It is also the permanent link with the Geology courses in Brazil that for fifty years have graduated its professionals. The historical evolution of the Geology training in Petrobras, contextualized to the different national political moments, and the scenario of petroleum at the world level, offers elements to improve future directives for the technical formation of the company.
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