Sequence stratigraphy of Taciba and Rio Bonito formations in Mafra/SC area, eastern Paraná Basin


  • Joel Carneiro de Castro Universidade Estadual Paulista


Paraná Basin, Taciba Formation, Rio Bonito Formation, sequence stratigraphy, Paleogeography


The Taciba and Rio Bonito (“lower” Triunfo Mbr) formations are divided into six depositional sequences based on cores, gamma-ray and electrical logs from shallow drillings from northern Santa Catarina State. Each sequence is formed by two systems tracts, a lower one, sandy (lowstand) and an upper one, shaly (highstand). The Taciba Formation has three sequences, S0 to S2; sequence S0 has a thick turbidite sandstone at the base (Rio Segredo Member) that pinches out towards the eastern margin and even disappears in the Mafra outcrop area. Sequence S1 varies from a thin fluvial-estuarine system to a thick turbidite sandstone of a channelized fan system; S1 upper shaly system tract is marine in well PP-11, and it is glaciallyinfluenced in well PP-10. Sequence S2 is a thick sandstone body of shallow marine origin, but restricted to one well (PP-11); its upper shaly tract is dominated by massive siltstones intercalated with thin, distal tempestites. The “lower” Triunfo Member (or “Taciba-Triunfo transition”) begins with the arrival of deltaic clastics of sequence S3 lower tract, coarsening-up from medial- to proximal delta front sandstones. Sequence S4 is quite similar to S3, both showing sandstone progradation from north to south, as opposed to the southwest-sourced transgressive diamictites. Sequence S5 consists of fluvial deposits at well PP-12, and two transgressive cycles from wells PP-11 to PP-9, each one of them composed of fluvial-estuarine to marine systems. Well PP-10 is an exception, where the lower cycle presents deglaciation to marine deposits.






How to Cite

CASTRO, Joel Carneiro de. Sequence stratigraphy of Taciba and Rio Bonito formations in Mafra/SC area, eastern Paraná Basin. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 13, n. 1, p. 27–42, 2005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.