Contribution to petrology and diagenesis of the hyaloclastites of Macau Formation, Potiguar Basin, RN, Brazil


  • Newton Souza Gomes Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Selma Maria Fernandes Petrobras


Based on the study of 40 subsurface rock samples from bore holes of the Macau Formation, Potiguar Basin in Brazil, it was possible to set up a petrographic characterization of the rocks and to establish a diagenetic pathway for the unit. The lithologic types investigated here have been c/assified as hyaloc/astites, whose origin is related to the interaction of mafic lava flows with sea water. The mixture of terrigenous and bioclastic fragments suggests a shallow water depositional environment. Based on thin section descriptions, X-ray diffractometry, infrared spectrometry, REM determination and fluid inclusions studies, six diagenetic events were recognized, and they probably affected the rocks in they following chronological sequence: pyritization, palagonitization, authigenic c/ay formation, authigenic zeolite formation, carbonate cementation and carbonate dissolution. The last diagenetic event ls responsible for they secondary porosity (up to 20%) observed in some samples. This porosity was estimated by point counting in thin sections and belongs mainly to the intergranular and moldic types.






How to Cite

GOMES, Newton Souza; FERNANDES, Selma Maria. Contribution to petrology and diagenesis of the hyaloclastites of Macau Formation, Potiguar Basin, RN, Brazil. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 9, n. 2-4, p. 223–236, 1995. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.