Sequence stratigraphy of the Longá/Poti formation boundary (Lower Carboniferous) using subsurface data from the Parnaíba Basin


  • Gustavo Lobato Petrobras
  • Leonardo Borghi Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Parnaíba Basin, Sequence Stratigraphy, Tournaisian glaciation, Longá Formation, Poti Formation


The Longá-Poti formational boundary (Lower Carboniferous) is investigated through facies de-scriptions and high-resolution stratigraphic analy-sis of 181m of core samples from 1-UN-04-PI and 1-UN-24-PI wells (Leite et al., 1975), located on the east border of Parnaíba Basin. This study enables the construction of facies and stratigraphic models for a relatively unknown geological interval of the Parnaíba Basin, considered an exploration frontier. The results identified 13 sedimentary facies, grouped in nine facies successions that led to the interpretation of two principal depositional systems: glacio-marine and shallow marine/wave-dominated fluvio-deltaic. Forced regressive surfaces (unconformities) of several natures and orders were characterized, permitting the identification of two third-order sequences, limited by a subaerial ero-sive surface that also suggests a formational limit. Additionally, minor order sequences were identified, together with transgressive, marine flooding and maximum flooding surfaces. The stratigraphic model suggests that the depositional evolution was influenced by an isostatic rebound and led to the speculative existence of isolated sand bodies, potential reservoirs in the basin depocenter and stratigraphically positioned in the upper part of Longá Formation.


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How to Cite

LOBATO, Gustavo; BORGHI, Leonardo. Sequence stratigraphy of the Longá/Poti formation boundary (Lower Carboniferous) using subsurface data from the Parnaíba Basin . Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 2, p. 213–235, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.