Some considerations on the effects of source and receiver arrays and seismic data
The quest for higher resolution is a constant concern in seismic data processing. Several factors contribute to degrade resolution of seismic data, for exampfe source signature, instrument response, finite sampling intervals, losses of energy in high frequencies due to absortion. This paper is concerned with the eftects of source and receiver arrays on seismic records and discusses a new technique that makes it possible to study these eftects independent of lhe signature of each individual element of source. When applied to marine surveys, the technique can be used to estimate an average signature of an element of the source array simply deconvolving lhe effect of lhe array from the direct wave. The eftect of array on direct waves differs from its eftect on reflected waves, and both cases are discussed. The underlying assumption that must be satisfied in order to implement this technique is als0 discussed in general terms. The signatures obtained from lorward modeling are compared with measurements for two different arrays for both direct and reflected waves. Applications are suggested in conventional and in special processing such as signature deconvolution, inversion, and AVO. Finally, this approach is recomended when designing special arrays for specifíc purposes.
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