Multiscale characterization of analogous carbonate reservoirs in outcroppings of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, in NE Brazil


  • Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia  Projeto Camures-Carbonato Convênio Universidade Federal de Sergipe/Petrobras/Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e Extensão de Sergipe
  • Filipa Maria Cabrita da Cunha  Pereira Projeto Camures-Carbonato Convênio Universidade Federal de Sergipe/Petrobras/Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e Extensão de Sergipe
  • Wendel Barbosa Araújo Projeto Camures-Carbonato Convênio Universidade Federal de Sergipe/Petrobras/Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e Extensão de Sergipe
  • Liana Matos Rocha Petrobras
  • Daniela Dantas de Menezes Ribeiro  Projeto Camures-Carbonato Convênio Universidade Federal de Sergipe/Petrobras/Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e Extensão de Sergipe
  • Flávia Moura Pereira Leal Projeto Camures-Carbonato Convênio Universidade Federal de Sergipe/Petrobras/Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e Extensão de Sergipe
  • Gleidson Lima Correia Projeto Camures-Carbonato Convênio Universidade Federal de Sergipe/Petrobras/Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e Extensão de Sergipe


mmustiscale characterization, analogous reservoirs, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, carbonate rock


Outcrops in carbonate and hybrid rocks of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin have been studied under the Project “Multiscale characterization of analogous carbonates reservoirs from Sergipe-Alagoas Basin” / CAMURES-Carbonate, aiming to build 3D Reser-voirs Models of potentially analogous reservoirs in the subsurface. The multiscale characterization of outcrops is the integration of data coming from the mega/macroscale to the microscale, collected throughout the vertical and lateral extent of the outcrop in order to understand the spatial distribution of heterogeneities and the sedimentary and diagenetic processes controlling them. This methodological approach was primarily applied to the Carapeba Quarry outcrop, characterized by interbedded deposits of calcarenites and calcimud-stones, locally dolomitized, belonging to the Maruim Member, Riachuelo Formation. The database used in this work consisted of the description and sampling of 19 lithofaciologic logs, together with gamma ray logs and thin sections in interest intervals, 3D data imaging and GPR. The integration of outcrop analysis with the thin sections allowed the recognition of seven sub-lithofacies, that were grouped into four sets of lithofacies: Dolomites; partly dolomitized wackstones and packstones; grainstones with sparry and microsparry calcite cement and hybrid rocks. These are interpreted as deposited in a slight gradient carbonate ramp model. The dolomitization is the most relevant diagenetic process occurring at Carapeba Quarry. The diagenetic model of dolo-mitization is considered to be the model of mixing water (Dorag), strongly controlled by the inflow of meteoric fluids and sea level fluctuations. The stratigraphic analysis of Carapeba Quarry allowed the definition of seven 5th order transgressive-regressive cycles. The transgressive cycles are characterized by the presence of marine facies (in intermediate and outer ramp environment), with predominant lithofacies characterized by oolitic/peloidal and bioclastic grain-packstone defining the implementation and subsequent progradation of shoal sands deposits over lagoon deposits. The current product of multiscale characterization of the Quarry Carapeba consists of 3D litho facies modelling of carbonatic and mixed reservoirs, for integration with flow simulation.


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GARCIA , Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos; PEREIRA, Filipa Maria Cabrita da Cunha ; ARAÚJO, Wendel Barbosa; ROCHA, Liana Matos; RIBEIRO , Daniela Dantas de Menezes; LEAL, Flávia Moura Pereira; CORREIA, Gleidson Lima. Multiscale characterization of analogous carbonate reservoirs in outcroppings of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, in NE Brazil. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 1, p. 51–82, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.