Some new pollen grains species from lower creaceous in Northeastern Brazil


  • Rodolfo Dino Petrobras


The present palylogic study is part of a wider survey of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Potiguar 
Basin, particularly of the Alagamar Formatioon. A very rich microflora is recarded. The assemblage is daminated by gymnospermic pollen grains (predominantly Cheirolepidacean conifers and gnetophytes). and spares of pteridophytes  Earliest angiaspermic pollen grains occur as minor constituents. Some new forms that potentially are guide fossils  are selected since they are present in masl af lhe Northeaslern Brazilian Crelaceous basins, and in their counlerparts in Africa. The aim of Ihis sludy is lo formally name, describe and illuslrale Ihese pallen grains which comprise two new genera (Uesuguipollenites, Dejaxpollenites), six new species (Uesuguipollenites callosus, Equisetosporites  maculosus, Dejaxpollenites foveoreticulatus, Dejaxpollenites microfoveolatus, Bennettítaepollenites regaliae, Albertípollenites limai), and three new combinations (Cornetipollis perloratus, Transitoripollis crisopolensis, Striatopollis reticulatus). Furthermore, additíonal information on the age of the described specres is given and their occurrences in the Brazilian basins of the studied region are pointed.






How to Cite

DINO , Rodolfo. Some new pollen grains species from lower creaceous in Northeastern Brazil. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 8, n. 2-4, p. 257–273, 1994. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.