Structural control of Remanso reservoirs


  • Valdomiro Dias Rodrigues Petrobras


The structural pattern of the Remanso Field, located in the Central Compartment of the Recôncavo Basin, is that of a horst trending NW-SE along the Mata-Catu Fault Geological interpretation of this area has been based on new concepts concerning the tectano-sedimentary evolution of the basin. This field displays complex structural features, consisting of small blocks separated by normal faults, associated with certain structural-stratigraphic anomalies and the repetition and absence of strata. The main reservoirs in this field are the sandstones of the Sergi Formation and of the Água Member, ltaparica Formation. The behavior of these reservoirs is structurally controlled through normal faults, which display different dip slips, throws, at times permitting communication between reservoirs. Possible points of communication may be identified through reliance on geologic sections and/or on stratigraphic separation diagrams projected over the fault plane.






How to Cite

RODRIGUES, Valdomiro Dias. Structural control of Remanso reservoirs. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 3, p. 225–236, 1990. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.