eological evolution of the mixed sequences (siliciclastic and carbonate) under the influence of the basement tectonics and halokinesis during the Albian – Regência Platform – Espírito Santo Basin
mixed sedimentation, seismic stratigraphy, halokinesis, tectonics, basement, Espírito Santo BasinAbstract
The study area is located in the onshore portion of the Espírito Santo Basin in the geologic province known as Plataforma de Regência. The studied interval comprises siliciclastic sediments (fluvial, transitional and shallow marine) and carbonates (shallow marine). The data base used included cuttings and cores, geophysical logs from more than 90 exploration wells, 3D seismic reflection and paleontological data. This enabled the wells to be tied to the seismic lines generating seismic reflectors which then produced interpreted seismic sections with the consequent production of lithofacies maps, paleogrographical maps, seismic attribute maps, paleogeographical sketches and velocity seismic sections. This study aims to improve understanding of the interaction between Albian salt movement, basement tectonics and how these interfered the paleogeographic displacement of the coeval siliciclastic, carbonate and hybrid facies, considering a temporal third order scale. The tectonic pulse that produced a change in the salt base gradient along the Cedro-Rio Doce Fault, which splits the Plataforma de Regência into a high and a low block, probably took place in the Albian and produced the unconformity that bounds both informally recognized and described sequences (A and B). The lower block shows seismic features that indicate the slide of the Albian package caused by this tectonic event. A siliciclastic predominance in the proximal portion (NW of the Platform) and hybrid and carbonate facies in the more distal zone are apparent during the deposition of the Sequence A. The Sequence B shows a westwards retrogradation of the facies belts and a resulting deposition along the Cedro-Rio Doce Fault Zone and more distal portions of a discontinuous carbonate platform probably including isolated carbonate banks produced by tidal currents. The study revealed that the deposition of siliciclastic, carbonate and mixed sedimentation occurred contemporaneously, considering a third order timescale, based on the perception given by seismic analysis.
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