Cenozoic contractional deformation in the Cumuruxatiba Basin: interaction between halokinesis and Abrolhos magmatism


  • Talles Souza Ferreira Petrobras
  • Mário Neto Cavalcanti de Araújo Petrobras
  • Fernando César Alves da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Cumuruxatiba Basin, contractional Cenozoic deformation, Abrolhos magmatism, halokinesis


The Cumuruxatiba basin, located on the southern coast of Bahia State in northeastern of Brazil was formed within distensional context, by rifting and a subsequent thermal phase during the Neocomian to late Cretaceous periods. In Cenozoic ages, the Abrolhosmagmatism took place by several peaks during the Paleocene and Eocene times. In this period, there was a contractional deformation in the basin represented by folds related to reverse faults (fault-related folds). Structural restoration of regional 2D seismic sections revealed that most of the contractional deformation was concentrated at the beginning of the Cenozoic period with the maximum strain peak in the Eo-Eocene. The Post-Eocene was marked by a decrease of strain rate to the present. The 3D structural modeling presented a fold belt (trending EW to NE-SW) accommodating the deformation between the Royal Charlotte and Sulphur Minerva magmatic highs where volcanic eruptions and flows resulted in a differential overburden on the borders of the Cumuruxatiba basin being acted as the trigger for halokinesis demonstrated by 3D digital modeling whereas deformation tends to be higher in the edges of the basin. The magmatic rocks occur mainly as concordant features in the syn-tectonic sediment that denotes a clearly association between magmatism and contrational deformation. Isopach maps associated with maximum strain vectors diagrams revealed that most of the folds were activated and reactivated at several times during the Cenozoic without a structural pattern. Moreover, the Cenozoic folds show diverse kinematic systems over time which would be a response to variation of magmatic activity at adjacent volcanic highs. These structural interpretations allied with information on the petroleum system of the basin play an important role in mapping of low-risk hydrocarbon prospects. 


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, Talles Souza; ARAÚJO, Mário Neto Cavalcanti de; SILVA, Fernando César Alves da. Cenozoic contractional deformation in the Cumuruxatiba Basin: interaction between halokinesis and Abrolhos magmatism. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 21, n. 1, p. 179–206, 2013. Disponível em: https://bgp.petrobras.com.br/bgp/article/view/50. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.