The vertical variability of the ocean in Santos Basin


  • Wellington Ceccopieri Belo Petrobras
  • Ilson Carlos Almeida da Silveira Universidade de São Paulo


dynamic modes, vorticity corridor, oceanography, pre-salt, Santos Basin


The Brazil Current (BC) flows southwestward as a vertically stratified and organized western boundary jet in the Brazilian shelf-break region ranging from Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain (CVT) at 20oS to the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (CBM) region at 38-40oS. Along this distance, the southward BC’s mass transport grows vertically. The upper ocean western boundary flow (~ 1000m) is characteristically baroclinic northward of 25ºS and more barotropic southward of 30ºS. Both domains show intense mesoescale activity due to the passage of eddies and meanders, superimposed upon oceanic large-scale recirculation features which influence the oceanic circulation in the Santos Basin Pre-salt cluster blocks area 300km off the coast. Based on a 2-year current data series of an oceanographic mooring array at Lula Field, and based on repeated hydrographic data (seawater temperature, salinity and, N2 profiles) we used statistical and dynamical orthogonal modes in order to approach the local vertical variability. We verified that 85% of it is explained by EOF-1. This variability is essentially of the 1st baroclinic mode. Great part of it occupies the first 400-600m of the water column, with no predominant direction. We also found a remarkable water column seasonal stratification. Albeit of the relative weaker mean flows (0.1-0.2m s-1), the study area is eddy-dominated which are geostrophically adjusted to the 1st baroclinic mode. Furthermore, we observed that the significant directional variability over the São Paulo Plateau occurs far away from the mean current jets that flow parallel to the continental shelf morphology. These are the main characteristics that define the vertical variability pattern of the oceanic flows of the Santos Basin Pre-salt cluster area.


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How to Cite

BELO, Wellington Ceccopieri; SILVEIRA, Ilson Carlos Almeida da. The vertical variability of the ocean in Santos Basin. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 21, n. 1, p. 39–62, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.