Serra do Cadeado (Paraná State, South Brazil): evidence of synsedimentary transpressional deformation at Rio do Rasto Formation (Late-Permian of Paraná Basin)


  • Michael Strugale Petrobras
  • Sidnei Pires Rostirolla HRT Oil & Gas
  • Fernando Mancini Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Marcelo Kulevicz Bartoszeck GeoAudaX


Paraná Basin, triassic, synsedimentary deformation, transpression


Basement reactivation is a common process in sedimentary basins. In the Paraná Basin, reactivated Precambrian shear zones affect the distribution of depositional systems and tectonic structures. This article presents a set of synsedimentary tectonic structures described on several outcrops of Morro Pelado Member, the upper unit of Rio-do-Rasto Formation (Late Permian), described at Serra-do-Cadeado region, Paraná State, southern Brazil. The Morro Pelado Member comprises a heterolitic siltstone/sandstone sequence, representing the evolution of a meandering fluvial system with wide floodplains, where lacustrine deposits, red beds and aeolian strata are common. The observed structures are open folds, thrust faults, fault-propagation folds, some of which play an important role on the depositional heterogeneities, mostly the location of the fluvial channels. The structural analysis indicates a N-S maximum compressive stress and regional data shows that the study area is located in a broad fragile fault zone related to the reactivation of the Northeastern Guaxupé Shear Zone, one of the most important Precambrian shear zones that affects Paraná Basin. Supported by this data, we concluded that the synsedimentary structures were produced by a sinistral transpressional deformation as a result of the reactivation on Guaxupé Shear Zone during the collision of the Patagonian Continent on Gondwana (Sanrafaélica Orogeny).


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How to Cite

STRUGALE, Michael; ROSTIROLLA, Sidnei Pires; MANCINI, Fernando; BARTOSZECK, Marcelo Kulevicz. Serra do Cadeado (Paraná State, South Brazil): evidence of synsedimentary transpressional deformation at Rio do Rasto Formation (Late-Permian of Paraná Basin). Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 21, n. 1, p. 137–148, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.