Inorganic geochemistry in support of the stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental interpretations: Albian Campos Basin
Albian, South Atlantic, inorganic geochemistry, stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental interpretationsAbstract
In support of oil exploration and production, many efforts have been done to Improve the stratigraphic subdivision of the Middle Cretaceous, in the Brazilian southeastern margin. Many of them have stimulated the evaluation of non-conventional variables, including geochemical analysis of various types. This paper examines the methodological imprint behavior of measured concentrations of chemical elements in the Albian section of the Campos Basin. The events offers expectations regarding the date geochemists come to integrate the set of marks liable to regional correlation. In the well examined, one of the events witnessed profound changes in paleogeography and the very edges of sea conditions in the South Atlantic during the late Albian marked by significant expansion of the lithophiles chemical elements on the depositional site studied.
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