Crustal model and heat flow in the Estância, Canudos-Vaza-Barris and Macururé domains bordering the emerged edge of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin


  • Roberto Max de Argollo Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Moacyr Moura Marinho Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Alexandre Barreto Costa Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Heli de Almeida Sampaio Filho Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Edilton José dos Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Luiz Felipe Carvalho Coutinho Petrobras


radiogenic heat production in rocks, earth-crust modeling, earth heat flow


We determine the heat flow in parts of the Sergipe- Alagoas Basin using models of the crust of the geotectonic domains that constitute the basement adjacent to the basin, which we assume to be present at the bottom of this. This basement is constituted by the Estância, Canudos-Vaza-Barris and Macururé domains in a strip of about 440km along the ocean coast and 50km wide from the edge of the onshore basin. We visited 1.483 basement outcrops and collected 1.623 rock samples from the various geological units present in which we determine the mass density, the K, U and Th contents and the volumetric rate of heat production. To calculate the heat flow produced in each domain, we use published data to estimate its thickness and of its substrate and used models to achieve the function A (z) of the vertical variation of heat production. In these models, we assume that the substrates is composed by rocks of the São Francisco Craton which are in amphibolite and granulite facies in the Estância and Vaza-Barris domains, and granulite facies in Macururé one. The results show that in the crust of the Estância and Vaza- Barris domains, heat production is due almost entirely to the cratonic rocks. The average geothermal flows of 66.9mW m-2, 63.1mW m-2 and 55.7mW m-2 obtained for the Estância, Vaza- Barris and Macururé domains, respectively, appear consistent with published average values of oil-fields heat flow in parts of the basin where these domains must be present. This agreement supports the validity of hypotheses about the constitution of the basement of the basin and on the lithological composition of the domains and their substrates. To explain the high discrepancy between the values measured and published on the northern edge of the Macururé Domain, we suggest that this domain may be thinner in its northern edge, or the Rio Coruripe unit, which forms that border, has a crustal composition different from that of the Macururé Domain.


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How to Cite

ARGOLLO , Roberto Max de; MARINHO , Moacyr Moura; COSTA , Alexandre Barreto; SAMPAIO FILHO , Heli de Almeida; SANTOS , Edilton José dos; CARVALHO COUTINHO, Luiz Felipe. Crustal model and heat flow in the Estância, Canudos-Vaza-Barris and Macururé domains bordering the emerged edge of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 20, n. 1-2, p. 283–304, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.