Organic geochemistry of petroleum source rock potential in the evolutional context of Lusitanian Basin, Portugal


  • André Luiz Durante Spigolon Petrobras
  • Nuno Lamas Pimentel Universidade de Lisboa
  • Vasco Gonçalo Alves Esteves de Matos Universidade de Coimbra
  • Rui Paulo Bento Pena dos Reis


Lusitanian Basin, petroleum source rock potential, organic geochemistry, Lower Jurassic, Upper Jurassic


The Lusitanian Basin, located in the west part of the Iberian margin, represents one of many Mesozoic rift basins formed in response to fragmentation of Pangea and subsequent opening of the North Atlan-tic Ocean. Its complex geological evolution, which started in the Upper Triassic, led to the sedimentation of levels rich in organic matter with a potential to generate petroleum. Despite the presence of active petroleum systems, its potential has not been fully evaluated. This study presents an approach from the geochemical standpoint aimed at the characterization and evaluation of ranges with potential for petroleum generation and their level of thermal maturity within the evolutionary context of the Lusitanian Basin. The study obtained chemical, petrographic, isotopic and molecular parameters of organic matter from 76 surface samples related to limestone, marls, mud-stones, shales and lignites, with a wide spatial and chronostratigraphic distribution. The results showed low thermal evolution of organic matter and the existence of two main intervals of petroleum source rock potential, one belonging to the Lower Jurassic (Água de Madeiros and Vale das Fontes formations) and the other to the Upper Jurassic (Cabaços and Vale Verde formations). The deposition of these intervals was strongly controlled by different geodynamic contexts and their associated paleoenvironments which followed over time. During the transgressive event in the Lower Jurassic, the anoxic-disoxic and relatively deeper marine conditions developed in the northwest edge of the basin were responsible for the good preservation of organic matter (type II), characterized by lighter isotopic signal (δ13C mean = -29.5 ‰) and predominance of amorphous organic matter (AOM) with some contribution of palynomorphs and terrestrial elements. In the Upper Jurassic, under the control of Atlantic waters and low relative sea level were installed restrict conditions favoring the deposition and preservation of organic matter with the isotopic signal characteristically heavier  (δ13C mean = -25.0 ‰). The intervals with high potential for petroleum generation and rich in hydrogen are associated with bacterial organic matter (type I-II)  deposited in anoxic marine carbonate conditions rela-tively shallow, that passing in northward to continental-transitional conditions related to a complex system deltaic-lacustrine-lagoonal (kerogen type II- III) with stronger contribution of terrestrial organic matter.


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How to Cite

SPIGOLON, André Luiz Durante; PIMENTEL, Nuno Lamas; MATOS, Vasco Gonçalo Alves Esteves de; REIS, Rui Paulo Bento Pena dos. Organic geochemistry of petroleum source rock potential in the evolutional context of Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 19, n. 1-2, p. 131–162, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.