Benthonic Foraminifera from the Lower - Middle Jurassic transition of the central sector of the Lusitanian Basin: the Zambujal de Alcaria section


  • Vera Lúcia Esteves de Figueiredo Universidade de Coimbra
  • María Luisa Canales Fernández Universidade Complutense de Madrid
  • Maria Helena Paiva Henriques Universidade de Coimbra


foraminifera, Lower – Middle Jurassic, Zambujal de Alcaria, Lusitanian Basin, biostratigraphy, paleoecology


The present work describes the benthonic fora-minifera assemblages recorded in the Upper Toarcian  (Aalensis Biozone) – Lower Aalenian (Opalinum Biozone) – Middle Aalenian (Bradfordensis Biozone) from the Zambujal de Alcaria Section (Central Sector of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal). Over the studied stratigraphic range, 20 samples, from which 5.291 foraminifera were obtained, which have enabled the determination of the foraminiferal assemblages composition, as well as the analysis of their evolution.
From the taxonomic point of view, 5 suborders, 13 families, 25 genera and 57 species were recognized; the most abundant specimens in the assemblages belong to the Lagenina Suborder, Vaginulinidae Family, Lenticulina genera and Lenticulina toarcense Payard species.
From the biostratigraphic point of view, the presence of Astacolus dorbignyi (Roemer), allows the correlation of the section with other biostrati-graphic scales based in foraminifera, established for the northern hemisphere. The analysis of the species present in each association and their evolu-tion along the section, enable the differentiation of four groups of species and highlight the presence of some key events, recognized by the first or last occurrence of some species or by the increase of the relative abundance of one species.
The quantitative analysis of the benthonic fora-minifera assemblages enabled the evaluation of their diversity, as well as their evolution over the studied stratigraphic range. The resulting values, based on the application of several diversity indices, indicate that the assemblages are, in general, scarce, but relatively diverse.
From the paleoecological point of view, the fora-minifera assemblages registered along the Zambujal de Alcaria Section would occupy zones of the marine platform, with normal salinity and well-oxygenated. The foraminifera would have had benthonic, infaunal and epifaunal modes of life. All the studied assemblages are characteristic of the boreal realm and are typical of Jurassic carbonate platforms.


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How to Cite

FIGUEIREDO, Vera Lúcia Esteves de; FERNÁNDEZ, María Luisa Canales; HENRIQUES, Maria Helena Paiva. Benthonic Foraminifera from the Lower - Middle Jurassic transition of the central sector of the Lusitanian Basin: the Zambujal de Alcaria section. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 19, n. 1-2, p. 207–234, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.