Calcareous nannofossils across the Aalenian – Bajocian boundary at Cape Mondego section – Portugal (the Bajocian GSSP)
Lusitanian Basin, Bajocian GSSP, biostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossilsAbstract
The present work describes the calcareous nan-nofossils assemblages recorded across the Middle Aalenian (Bradfordensis Biozone) – Upper Aalenian (Concavum Biozone) – Lower Bajocian (Discites and Laeviuscula Biozones) from the Murtinheira section (Cape Mondego - Portugal). Throughout the studied stratigraphic interval 23 samples were collected, which have enabled the identification of a total of 4 orders, 8 families, 12 genus, and 30 species of calcareous nannofossils.
The genus Schizosphaerella and Lotharingius numerically dominate the assemblages, being the Schizosphaerella sp. the most abundant one. The main calcareous nannofossils species recogni-zed were: Carinolithus magharensis (Moshkovitz e Ehrlich), Crepidolithus crassus (Deflandre), Crepido-lithus pleinsbachensis (Crux), Discorhabdus striatus (Moshkovitz e Ehrlich), Lotharingius hauffi (Grün e Zweili), Lotharingius contractus (Bown e Cooper) and Watznaueria britannica (Stradner).
For the time range studied, some key bioevents were recognized. The first occurrence of Watznaueria britannica (Stradner) allows the recognition of two biozones (NJ8 and NJ9) established for the Boreal Realm. In addition, it was possible to recognize three biozones (NJT8, NJT9 and NJT10) established for the Tethysian Realm, through the first occurrence of Watznaueria britannica (Stradner) and Watznaueria manivitae (Bukry).
The data, when extended to other correlative sections and other time intervals, will enable the establish-ment of a zonal scale based on calcareous nannofossils valid for the Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin and particularly useful in interpreting the samples obtained through the surveys, when taking into context the exploration of hydrocarbons.
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