Subaqueous systems fed by glacially derived hyperpycnal flows: a depositional model for Carboniferous-Permian sandstones of the Itararé Group, Paraná Basin


  • Fernando Farias Vesely Petrobras


Paraná Basin, late paleozoic, deglaciation, density flow, turbidite, hyperpycnite


The glacial Itararé Group constitutes the lower interval of the Carboniferous-Permian megasequence in the Paraná Basin. Thick glacially related sandstone reservoirs present in this unit contain gas and condensate sourced by Devonian marine shales. Based on outcrop data from the eastern basin margin, the sedimentary facies and stacking patterns were analyzed in order to propose a depositional model for these sandstone successions. It is suggested that the sandstones were deposited subaqueously as proglacial fans due to meltwater-derived highly concentrated hyperpycnal flows. Regional Itararé Group’s stratigraphy can be expressed as several unconformity-bounded sequences deposited in a marine glaciated basin during repeated deglaciation episodes. The lower half of each sequence is constituted of thick sand-rich successions typically showing fining-upward and a retrogradational stacking pattern. Eleven facies were recognized, ranging from conglomerates to fine-grained sandstones, massive, graded or stratified. Conglomerates and cross-bedded coarse sandstones represent proximal subaqueous deposits and were formed as ice-contact outwash fans/aprons due to meltwater-derived hyperconcentrated and concentrated flows and traction dominated bottom currents. These flows served as feeder systems to stratified, massive or graded turbiditic sandstone lobes deposited more distally. Parallel bedding and climbing ripples present in these beds were formed due to continuous aggradation from waxing and/or waning long-lived turbidity currents. These characteristics typify hyperpycnites and suggest that meltwater-derived hyperpycnal flows were the main trigger mechanisms to turbidity currents in the Itararé Group.






How to Cite

VESELY, Fernando Farias. Subaqueous systems fed by glacially derived hyperpycnal flows: a depositional model for Carboniferous-Permian sandstones of the Itararé Group, Paraná Basin. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 15, n. 1, p. 7–25, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.