Chronostratigraphic analysis of Rift basins: reflections on the employeo concepts and terminology


  • Hercules Tadeu F. da Silva Petrobras


This  paper deals with the analysis of the results obtained when applying to rift basins the chronostratigraphic models developed for marine marginal basins. Both the models that were adapted to be used in rift basins and the correspondent terrninology, a literal translation from English, have generated discussion among those who study these basins. The chronostratigraphic models applied to intracontinental rift basins should emphasize active tectonics and climatic changes as the main fórcing mechanisms responsible for sequences generation, within time intervals that may attain tens of million years. Terrns in portuguese are proposed for systêm tracts. Variable conditions controlled by tectonism and climatic fluctuations are responsible for the development of lhe reservoir, source rock, and seal that consiitute the basic paramelers required for petroleum accumulation






How to Cite

SILVA, Hercules Tadeu F. da. Chronostratigraphic analysis of Rift basins: reflections on the employeo concepts and terminology. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 10, n. 1-4, p. 5–17, 1996. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.