Structural analysis of Permian-Jurassic sequence of Parnaíba Basin – Araguaína region, state of Tocantins (TO): geometry, kinematic positioning and evolution of the deformation


  • André Luis Spisila CPRM
  • Fernando Mancini UFPR
  • Eduardo Salamuni UFPR
  • Leonardo Fadel Cury UFPR
  • Marco Antonio Thoaldo Romeiro


brittle deformation, paleostress, basin analysis


The western edge of Parnaíba Basin, an approximately elliptical shaped intracratonic basin located in northern and northeastern Brazil, has particular structural, stratigraphic and lithologic controls. Five depositional sequences are recognized from the Silurian, Mesodevonian-Eocarboniferous, Neocarboniferous-Eotriassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The Neocarboniferous-Eotriassic Sequence contains the Balsas Group (Piauí, Pedra de Fogo, Motuca and Sambaíba formations) and the Jurassic Sequence contains the Pastos Bons Formation, deposited in a fluvio-lacustrine environment over Mosquito Formation basalts. In this context, the present study aims to discuss the evolution of Permian deformation at the basin´s western edge, based on geometric and kine-matic structural analysis, applying the Riedel model and Mohr-Coulomb criteria. Fieldwork were carried out nearby Araguaína (State of Tocantins) and Carolina (State of Maranhão), and results obtained from strati-graphic and structural analysis, besides help from re-mote sensing imagery and aerogeophysical data. Four deformational phases are proposed. D1 deformational phase, characterized by synsedimentary deformation structures on the Pedra de Fogo Formation, which are dextral strike-slip faults with NW-SE trending associated with normal faults, reverse faults and folds, related to N-S oriented s1 tensor, correlated to the orogeny responsible for the formation of Pangea at the end of the Permian. NE-SW trending characterizes D2 deformational phase, with dextral and sinistral kinematic positioning with a extensional component formed by a triassic event. Intrusions from Mosquito Formation are probably associated to E-W trending extensional event, D3 deformational phase, resulting in the generation of N-S trending normal faults with dextral strike-slip component, and NE-SW trending sinistral strike-slip faults and NW-SE trending dextral strike-slip faults, related to the North Atlantic opening. The last deformational phase, D4, includes normal and dextral strike-slip faults with E-W trending, as well as dextral NE-SW trending strike-slip faults, with E-W oriented s1 tensor, possibly related to the Andean subduction. 


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How to Cite

SPISILA, André Luis; MANCINI, Fernando; SALAMUNI, Eduardo; CURY, Leonardo Fadel; ROMEIRO, Marco Antonio Thoaldo. Structural analysis of Permian-Jurassic sequence of Parnaíba Basin – Araguaína region, state of Tocantins (TO): geometry, kinematic positioning and evolution of the deformation . Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 2, p. 237–259, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jan. 2025.