Palinoestratigrafia do Turoniano na área de Laranjeiras, Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas: inferências paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, palinostratigraphy, TuronianAbstract
The Cenomanian-Turonian boundary is recognized worldwide as the most important eustatic event of sea-level rise in the Cretaceous, correlated with a global oceanic anoxic event, which induced the widespread formation of organic-rich pelitic deposits, potential source rocks of hydrocarbon. In Brazil this section is predominantly found in subsurface, in land and offshore oil wells. One of the best outcrops of this interval is found in the Votorantim Quarry, in Laranjeiras, Sergipe State, Brazil. Through a semi- quantitative palynological study, based on mining cores drilled in the quarry, a palynostratigraphic framework is proposed for the studied section, integrated with additional paleoecological inferences and interpretation based in Sequence Stratigraphy.

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