Dikes and sills in the Parnaíba Basin: geometry and emplacement patterns


  • Ivo Trosdtorf Junior Petrobras
  • João Marinho de Morais Neto Petrobras
  • Saulo Ferreira Santos Petrobras
  • Carlos Vieira Portela Filho Petrobras


Parnaíba Basin, dikes and sills, intrusion mechanism, magmatism


The Parnaíba Basin, in common with all the Brazilian Paleozoic basins, contains intrusive igneous rock bodies in its sedimentary section in the form of dikes and, principally, sills. The geometry and the mechanism for intrusion are important in the identification of the traps capable of storing gas and/or oil. A variety of models available in literature suggest a complex relationship between the magma and the host rock. Various factors (density and pressure of the magma injection, steam generation, regional and local stress fields and the rheology of the host rock, etc.) work together controlling the emplacement, the expansion and the final geometry of the intrusive igneous bodies in the sedimentary column. These igneous bodies demonstrate a conspicuous signature in an electronic log. The Gamma Ray profile (GR) is the most utilized to identify the sills, characterized by an increase in the GR curve in the upper third; this feature is colloquially known at Petrobras as “barriguda (paunchy)”. Many sills occur parallel to the bedding, generally intruding thick packets of shales and along the contact of the Longá-Poti, Pimenteiras-Cabeças and Tianguá-Jaicós formations. Seismic sections show that the sills occur with varying geometries, including “layer parallel”, “saucer-shaped”, “planar transgressive” and “fault block”. By far the most common sill in the Parnaíba Basin is the layer parallel, with this geometry able to occur with up to hundreds of kilometers of extension and thicknesses of between 2-5m and 250-300m. The association between magmatic intrusions and gas reservoirs has been pointed out as a priority target in the exploration of Brazilian Paleozoic basins. The model of trapping based on diabase sill jumps has been successfully tested by some oil compa-nies and is consolidated in the Parnaíba Basin. In addition, intrusive magmatic bodies also provide the heat necessary for the generation of gas and in the establishment of effective migration paths.


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How to Cite

TROSDTORF JUNIOR, Ivo; MORAIS NETO, João Marinho de; SANTOS, Saulo Ferreira; PORTELA FILHO , Carlos Vieira. Dikes and sills in the Parnaíba Basin: geometry and emplacement patterns. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 2, p. 261–287, 2014. Disponível em: https://bgp.petrobras.com.br/bgp/article/view/31. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.