Faciological and paleoenviromental characterization of stromatolites from the Codó Formation (Aptian Parnaíba Basin): a new methodological approach


  • Ana Paula Pires Coura Petrobras
  • Leonardo Borghi Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


microbial, stromatolites, Codó Formation


This study proposes a faciological approach to the microbialites of the Codó Formation in the Parnaíba Basin, allowing a paleoenvironmental discussion of the hypersaline lacustrine system suggested in literature. For this study the proposed definition of stromatolitic facies is “a sediment or sedimentary rock body characterized and distin-guished from the other facies by morphotype, structure and microbial microtexture”. To this definition it is possible to add other attributes as lithology (mineralogy), color, associated fossils and texture (spatial organization). Four stromatolitic facies mineralogically comprised of calcite were described, considering macroscopic and micro-scopic aspects. From those facies it was possible to characterize the environmental parameters as salinity, energy, substrate stability and water depth, as well as to define the seismicity as an important conditioning mechanism for the final configuration of the stromatolite bodies. Five associated facies have also been described. DRX analyses show that the succession of shales is comprised mineralogically by the predominance of the montmorillonite group associated with different micas, such as muscovite, vermiculite and to a lesser extent, biotite. The diagenetic events were better analyzed by the use of the epifluorescence technique that was highly effective in the identification of the original rock framework. Other techniques utilized are: (a) TOC analysis of shales and (b) palynofacies studies.


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How to Cite

COURA, Ana Paula Pires; BORGHI , Leonardo. Faciological and paleoenviromental characterization of stromatolites from the Codó Formation (Aptian Parnaíba Basin): a new methodological approach . Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 2, p. 313–332, 2014. Disponível em: https://bgp.petrobras.com.br/bgp/article/view/35. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.