Geology and exploration in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin
One of the most thoroughly researched stratigraphic columns along the Brazilian continental margin is that of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, located on the northeastem coast of Brazil. The basin's litho-structural history reflects an evolution from a Paleozoic intracratonic basin to its present stage as a typical passive margin basin. There is a clear correlation between the evolution of the basin's structural framework and the development of the depositional systems which filled it. The basin produces at all stratigraphic levels excepting the Paleozoic. lnteresting basin characteristics can be seen in a review of its exploration history., since 1890; the increase in reserves has been proportional to the exploration of new frontiers and the acquisition of seismic data. Evolved geophysical investigation techniques show that the basin still offers several exploratory alternatives in the form of stratigraphic traps, deep horizons, deep waters, and even increasing reserves of known accumulations.
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