Allocyclic control (Milankovitch’s scale) on the siliciclastic, mixed and carbonate Albian sedimentation in the Central-Eastern portion of the Regência Platform (Espírito Santo Basin, Brazil)


  • Claudio Vinicius Tagliari  Petrobras
  • Josemar Santos Pereira Filho Petrobras
  • Renata Guimarães Netto
  • Paulo Sérgio Gomes Paim


mixed (siliciclastic and carbonate) depositional systems, allocyclicity, Albian, Espírito Santo Basin


The studied interval (Sequence A) comprises a Lower Albian depositional sequence composed of cyclically arranged strata. These sedimentary deposits were cored in five wells drilled in a rollover structure present in an uplifted block located near the Cedro-Rio Doce Fault (Central-East portion of the Regência Platform). This paper presents a paleoenvironmental model able to explain the cyclic alternation of compositionally distinct strata. This model is based on the description and interpretation of the facies and facies associations recorded along 180m of cores that represent distinct intervals of Sequence A. Although founded on facies analysis, the sedimentological model should also be able to explain the cyclic intercalation of compositionally distinct strata as well as the paleogeographical distribution of the siliciclastic, hybrid and carbonate facies. During its elaboration, both autogenic (terrigenous input delivered to the coast by ephemeral fluvial floods, in situ production of carbonate particles, and the redistribution of both by longshore currents and storm events) and allogenic (climate changes controlled by orbital cycles) processes were taken into account. Since the cores have also revealed a striking cyclic arrangement, a neural network analysis was performed along five well logs (gamma rays, density, photoelectric factor, sonic factor, and neutron) previously calibrated to lithologies. This procedure has extended the discrimination of the main types of sediments to the non-cored intervals of Sequence A. Therefore, it was possible to correlate the stacking of the facies discriminated in the core analysis, where they form repeated transgressive-regressive (T-R) cycles, with the cyclic arrangement of the main lithologies along the entire Sequence A, which are organized as high-frequency, 100 Ky cycles (short eccentricity in the Milankovitch’s scale). In Sequence A it is possible to observe a superposition of several T-R cycles whose siliciclastic composition becomes finer-grained upwards at the expense of higher energy facies, therefore configuring a drowning of the sedimentary succession at the 3rd order scale.


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How to Cite

TAGLIARI , Claudio Vinicius; PEREIRA FILHO, Josemar Santos; GUIMARÃES NETTO, Renata; PAIM, Paulo Sérgio Gomes. Allocyclic control (Milankovitch’s scale) on the siliciclastic, mixed and carbonate Albian sedimentation in the Central-Eastern portion of the Regência Platform (Espírito Santo Basin, Brazil) . Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 21, n. 2, p. 417–452, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.