Seismic Stratigraphy of South Santos Basin and Its Implications on the Early South Atlantic Evolution
Seismic-stratigraphy, South AtlanticAbstract
This study consists of the segregation and analysis of seismic facies of regional sedimentary sequences of the Santos Basin, and the integration with gravity and well data. We have analyzed the relationship between the south sedimentary edge against the São Paulo structural high. This important structural high represents the southern limit of salt deposits in the Santos Basin, acting during the Aptian age as a barrier to open marine circulation, already established in the Pelotas Basin to the south. The interpretation of 2D seismic lines 500-0059A (Leplac) and 999-3235, 999-3237, 999-3239, provided by Fugro as a courtesy for the
study, allowed the individualization of eight seismic units. The DSDP 356 well was tied to seismic studies and age-dating of the units recognized on line 999-3235. This well was located exactly on the southern sedimentary edge of the Santos Basin. A
time-depth conversion validated the construction of a regional geological section. Seismic and well data have been integrated in order to establish the timing of the São Paulo Ridge (SPR) acting as a barrier against free marine circulation. During the Aptian time and even earlier, strong currents controlled the deposition of huge clinoforms aligned in NE-SW direction. The marine invasion has left behind typical high-energy features. The basement depression located west of the barrier, represents the place where the sea water probably invaded the early South Atlantic basins, a place that worked as a sea gateway during the early rift stages. Furthermore, during the salt deposition, the base-level variation and climatic conditions change abruptly, the barrier prevents the entrance of south marine water, creating a restricted and isolated gulf. Up to the end of the Albian, the SPR stopped working as
an effective barrier to free marine circulation. The younger sequences have been related to constant increases in base-level, until today.
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