The use of electrofacies in expanding the knowledge of the stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin
Petrophysical Logs, Gamma Ray, Electrofacies, “Brenha Group”, Lower and Middle Jurassic, Lusitanian BasinAbstract
The present work consists on the lithostratigraphic interpretation of four wells from Lower and Middle Jurassic sediments, located in the Central and Northern sector of the Lusitanian Basin, based on the study of its petrophysical logs.
By analysing the gamma ray log, twelve electrofacies were defined, that provided the subsurface recognition of the lithological characteristics of the different lithostratigraphic units integrating the “Brenha Group”. The electrofacies characterization, defined through the intensity pattern analysis of the gamma ray, in association with the well logs, enabled the correlation of the studied wells with Vale das Fontes, Lemede, S. Gião, Póvoa da Lomba, Degracias, Cabo Carvoeiro, Fórnea, Barranco de Zambujal and ChãodePias Formations, formerly established for the Central and Northern Sector of the Lusitanian Basin, as well as the recognition of the basinal expression of the electrofacies from the LowerMiddle Jurassic in the Lusitanian Basin.
Five electrofacies associations were also defined for the studied wells that allowed the recognition of two second order electrosequences which were correlated with the sedimentological second order sequences defined for the stratigraphic units that integrate the “Brenha Group”.
Both correlations – between electrofacies and stratigraphic units, and between electrosequences, based on a electrofacies´ associations, and 2nd order sequences – stress that wells located in distal positions of the basin (NW), present high gama ray values, indicating marly sedimentation conditions, in contrast with those wells located in proximal positions of the basin (SE) that present low gama ray values, reflecting carbonate sedimentation, thus confirming the existence of a homocline ramp, deepening to NW, that characterizes the depositional geometry of the Lusitanian Basin during the Lower – Middle Jurassic.
The present work emphasizes the role of gamma ray logs in the interpretation of depositional environments and in vertical analysis of facies, by allowing the correlation between outcrop data and subsurface data, through the definition of electrofacies patterns, as it has been developed in the studied logs from “Brenha Group”. The resulting data, if used in the future in other gamma ray log analysis will enable a more accurate correlation of the electrofacies recognized in this work, thus contributing to enlarge subsurface studies on the Lusitanian Basin, namely on stratigraphic intervals with special relevance for oil exploration.
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